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Automated Garage Doors and Gates Ltd
Posted on: 26 September 2018

New Website Feature: Frequently Asked Questions

Garage Doors FAQ page features

We’ve updated our website with a new FAQs page. We’ve answered a lot of basic questions about garage door installation on our blog over the years. Each time we add a new post to our blog, the older ones slip down the listings. We thought it might be useful to gather the insights in one place where visitors to our website can see succinct answers to these questions and click through for more information if they desire.

FAQs Page

Each question in the list of FAQs has a brief answer. Click ‘Read More’ for more details. If you require further information or have a question that is not on the list, please don’t hesitate to call our showroom.

Handset Programming Videos

The manufacturer of our automated garage doors, Garador, have produced a series of support videos explaining how to program their operators and handsets. We’ve shared these in a pop-up that can be accessed from the FAQs page and the control systems band of our garage doors page.

Naturally, we will program your operator and instruct you in the use of your handset when we install your door, but these videos may be of use if you would like to reprogram your operator or add additional handsets. 

We hope you find all this new information useful. If you have any further questions, call our showroom on 01603 787069 or email sales@autodoorsandgates.co.uk.

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