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Automated Garage Doors and Gates Ltd
Posted on: 14 September 2017

How to Maintain a Dust Free Garage

Umbrella on top of a dust covered car

If you’ve just had your garage built or have had it for a while, a problem that you will face either way is that of dust. Not only does it not look good, it can also be potentially dangerous should you have allergies or asthma. Removing and reducing the dust will help to ease your suffering. However, working out how to clear up the substance and prevent it also isn’t the easiest but thankfully we can help you with that.

What is Dust?

A common misconception about dust is that it is mainly your old, dead skin. Although it’s true that your skin is in dust, most of your dead skin goes down drains when you shower and shave. Unless you happen to shed your skin like a snake or just don’t shower very often then the dust in your house will not be mainly dead skin. Dust is created both internally by objects in your home and externally by grit and dirt that is carried into your house in the form of airborne particles.

These airborne particles are stirred every time you walk through doors and open windows. These particles then mix with other stuff such as carpet fluff, clothes fibre and pet hair. This then forms the layers of dust which plague untended surfaces and cabinets.

How do you Clean Up Dust?

Cleaning up the dust in your house or garage can be done in several ways. Traditionally a feather duster would have been the implement used to remove dust from your house. Now though the most viable method for extracting large amounts of dust is probably a vacuum cleaner.

When it comes to hoovering the tops of cabinets and similar objects then use a brush attachment on the end of your vacuum cleaner. Equally there are lots of hoover attachments designed for a range of surfaces and objects. You can use a hoover for most objects but it is advisable to remove valuables before hoovering to save you the risk of those objects getting sucked up by your vacuum.

Another easy way to remove dust is to use J cloths with some furniture polish. Mr Sheen is a good option for furniture polish and you can find it or similar products at most supermarket stores. Spray some polish onto your J cloth or just straight onto the surface and then you can just wipe away the dust on top. 

How to Reduce the Levels of Dust in Your Garage

Garages are dusty places. If you have a member of the family who happens to love DIY, especially carpentry, then the chances are that the amount of dust in your garage will be even higher than average. When it comes to removing this level of dust, there’s no substitute for opening the garage door and sweeping it all outside. An automated garage door makes this process a lot easier.

Automating your garage door can help to reduce the amount of dust in your garage. If you have any questions or enquiries then contact us. Call us on 01603 787069 or email us at sales@autodoorsandgates.co.uk. 

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